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Article: Seasons on the Farm - April

Seasons on the Farm - April

Seasons on the Farm - April

Summer has well and truly left and as I write this I am now donning a wool jumper! Things have changed quickly over the last few days... The crispness in the air signals change, a shift in the rhythm of nature. It's during this season that I find I crave more time in the garden, it’s less of a chore, I am excited to get out there and spend time tending to the gardens where things are slowing down. It feels more like a stroll rather than jog to keep up with all the growth…

Each day I am observing the garden's transition, the figs and pumpkins emerge as the stars of the month. This year, our pumpkin patch boasts a modest selection, featuring two varieties, Japanese and Golden Nugget. The Jap pumpkin, a firm favourite with its robust flavour and the Golden Nugget's sweet compact size, chosen because it was too cute not to purchase…

The golden nuggets are first to ripen and I've been experimenting with warm salads featuring them, discovering a newfound appreciation for its nutty flavour. As an avid salad enthusiast I love the opportunity to incorporate seasonal produce into my meals. Growing up as a vegetarian for a number of years instilled in me a deep-seated love for vegetables. For me, a meal is incomplete without a salad, warm or cold.

One of my favourite combinations pairs French lentils (Du Puy) with roasted pumpkin, resulting in a satisfying and nourishing dish. This simple recipe serves as a versatile addition to any meal, whether as a side dish alongside roasted meats or as a light lunch accompanied by a slice of sourdough or a poached egg.

Enjoy in the glorious autumn sunshine.  Sahra x


Roast Pumpkin with Du Puy Lentils 

  • 250g Ricotta 
  • 1 x Lemon 
  • 2 x Garlic cloves 
  • 2 cups of stock 
  • Handful of herbs, mint, parsley, dill etc
  • 200 g of French green lentils (Du Puy) 
  • 1-2 small firm pumpkins (1kg raw) I used Golden Nugget 
  • 1/4 cup of chopped hazelnuts or Dukkah seasoning 
  • Salt, pepper and olive oil 


    1. Quarter pumpkin and toss with salt pepper and olive oil and roast in over at 200 degrees (fan forced) 
    2. Measure out lentils and stock and cook as per instructions on the stove in a small pot
    3. While both lentils and pumpkin is cooking prepare the ricotta and herbs 
    4. Whip ricotta with pinch of salt, pepper and 1/2 lemon juice + 1/2 a garlic clove (grated or finely chopped), taste and reseason if needs balancing
    5. Wash and pick the herbs 
    6. Roast and chop the hazelnuts if using 
    7. Once pumpkin and lentils are cooked (lentils drained) 
    8. Plate up the ricotta creating a large circle on the plate 
    9. Place pumpkin and top with lentils, nuts/ dukkah, herbs olive oil, salt and pepper
    10. Enjoy

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